Yogattractive – for a neck younger than your birth certificate

Swan-neck or not, it should be smooth and toned. Annoyingly it is the first area to show signs of ageing and sagging.

We may blame the structure of our neck muscles and its thin skin. As well-founded the complaints might be, it is better to take positive action:

  • First of all you need to massage your neck, secondly exercise it and then… massage some more.
  • However, neck is an area where technical mistakes may be costly, so consider giving YouTube a rest in this delicate case… The key advice is to massage your neck from the bottom to the top and never, ever, ever pull it down!
  • Among many neck exercises, “kissing a giraffe” is one of all-time favourites:  lift your chin and make 10 exaggerated, juicy kisses toward the sky. Repeat to the right and left to engage the whole set of neck muscles.

Our daily habits may sabotage our neck and chin area. While during the Yogattractive sessions, traditional ones and those on Skype, you learn how to take good care of your neck in all its aspects, you also get to lose those bad habits so that you can be proud of your lily stem.

And by the way: can you guess which habits I am talking about?

Picture of Autorka: Olga Szemley - Założycielka Yogattractive & Yogatwarzy
Autorka: Olga Szemley - Założycielka Yogattractive & Yogatwarzy

Pionierka jogi twarzy w Polsce, twórczyni Yogatwarzy i Yogattractive (, jedynej metody jogi twarzy i automasażu w Polsce posiadającej certyfikat fizjoterapii. Uhonorowana tytułem Człowiek Roku 2024. Jej profesjonalny Kurs Jogi Twarzy otrzymał statuetkę Beauty Prestige Awards za Najlepszy Program Szkoleniowy Branży Beauty 2024. Znana z licznych występów w TV promujących „zdrową urodę”.


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